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How to Properly Clean and Maintain Your Appliances to Avoid Costly Repairs

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We rely on our appliances to help us with everyday tasks, such as cooking, cleaning, and washing.

However, with regular use, appliances can wear out, become less efficient, and eventually break down.

This can lead to costly appliance repairs, which can be frustrating and inconvenient. To avoid such scenarios, it’s crucial to properly maintain and clean your appliances regularly.

Proper appliance maintenance involves a combination of cleaning, inspections, and repairs. Regular maintenance helps to keep appliances running smoothly, extend their lifespan, and prevent the need for costly repairs or replacements. Additionally, a well-maintained appliance is more efficient, which can help reduce energy consumption and utility bills.

In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of appliance maintenance, cleaning tips for specific appliances, troubleshooting, and repair tips.

By following these tips, you can keep your appliances in top condition, avoid costly repairs, and save money in the long run. Whether you’re a homeowner or a renter, taking care of your appliances is essential to ensure that they operate at their best and last for many years.


General Cleaning Tips

Keeping your appliances clean is a crucial part of maintaining them. Here are some general cleaning tips that you can use for all of your appliances:

A. Cleaning Supplies
Before you start cleaning your appliances, make sure you have the right cleaning supplies.

Different appliances require different types of cleaners. For example, some appliances need gentle cleaners, while others require heavy-duty ones.

Always check the manufacturer’s instructions for recommended cleaning supplies. Some common cleaning supplies include baking soda, vinegar, dish soap, and all-purpose cleaners.


B. Cleaning Frequency
How often you should clean your appliances will depend on the type of appliance and how often you use it.

Generally, it’s recommended to clean your appliances once a month, but some appliances may require more frequent cleaning.

For example, you should clean your refrigerator once a month, but the condenser coils may need to be cleaned twice a year.


C. Safety Precautions
Before cleaning your appliances, always ensure that they are unplugged or turned off.

Additionally, ensure that the cleaning supplies you are using are safe for the appliance you are cleaning. For example, harsh chemicals can damage some appliances.


D. Cleaning Techniques
When cleaning your appliances, start with the exterior surfaces and work your way to the interior.

Use a soft cloth or sponge to clean the surfaces, and avoid using abrasive scrubbers that can scratch the surface.

For tight spaces, use a toothbrush or a soft-bristled brush. After cleaning, rinse the surfaces with clean water and dry them with a clean towel.


By following these general cleaning tips, you can keep your appliances clean and in good condition. In the next section, we’ll discuss specific cleaning tips for each appliance.


Cleaning Tips for Specific Appliances

A. Refrigerators

Refrigerators are essential appliances in any household, and they need to be properly cleaned to maintain their efficiency. Here are some cleaning tips for refrigerators:

  1. Interior The interior of the refrigerator should be cleaned once a month. Start by removing all the items from the fridge and sorting them. Discard any expired or spoiled food items. Next, remove the shelves and drawers and wash them with warm soapy water. Use a sponge or a soft-bristled brush to clean the interior walls, and don’t forget to clean the door gaskets. Wipe the surfaces with a clean, damp cloth and dry them thoroughly.
  2. Exterior The exterior of the refrigerator should be cleaned once a month. Use a damp cloth to wipe the surface, paying special attention to the handles and the top of the refrigerator. For stubborn stains, use a mixture of baking soda and water. Don’t forget to clean the water and ice dispensers.
  3. Coils The condenser coils of the refrigerator are located at the back or underneath the fridge. These coils can collect dust and dirt, reducing the efficiency of the refrigerator. To clean the coils, unplug the refrigerator and use a coil brush or a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to remove the dirt and dust.


B. Dishwashers

Dishwashers make our lives easier by saving us time and effort in washing dishes. However, they also need to be properly cleaned and maintained to prevent clogs and other issues. Here are some cleaning tips for dishwashers:

  1. Interior The interior of the dishwasher should be cleaned once a month. Start by removing the racks and inspecting the interior for any debris or food particles. Use a toothbrush or a soft-bristled brush to remove any debris or buildup in the spray arms, the interior walls, and the dishwasher door. Next, run the dishwasher on the hottest cycle with a cup of white vinegar to remove any hard water stains or buildup.
  2. Exterior The exterior of the dishwasher should be cleaned once a month. Use a damp cloth to wipe the exterior surfaces, paying special attention to the buttons and the handle. For stubborn stains, use a mixture of baking soda and water.
  3. Filter Most dishwashers have a filter that collects food particles and debris. This filter should be cleaned regularly, depending on the dishwasher usage. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for filter cleaning instructions.


C. Washing Machines

Washing machines are the workhorses of our laundry routine, and they need to be cleaned regularly to avoid mold, mildew, and other issues. Here are some cleaning tips for washing machines:

  1. Interior The interior of the washing machine should be cleaned once a month. Start by running an empty cycle with hot water and a cup of white vinegar. This helps remove any buildup or odors in the machine. After the cycle is complete, wipe the interior drum and the door with a clean cloth or sponge. For tough stains or buildup, use a mixture of baking soda and water.
  2. Exterior The exterior of the washing machine should be cleaned once a month. Use a damp cloth to wipe the exterior surfaces, paying special attention to the buttons and the door. For stubborn stains, use a mixture of baking soda and water.
  3. Filter Most washing machines have a filter that collects lint, hair, and other debris. This filter should be cleaned regularly, depending on the washing machine usage. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for filter cleaning instructions.


D. Dryers

Dryers are essential appliances for drying clothes quickly and efficiently. However, they also need to be properly maintained to prevent fires and other issues. Here are some cleaning tips for dryers:

  1. Lint Trap The lint trap should be cleaned after every use. This helps prevent lint buildup, which can reduce the efficiency of the dryer and create a fire hazard. To clean the lint trap, simply remove the lint and debris with your fingers or a soft-bristled brush.
  2. Ventilation System The ventilation system of the dryer should be cleaned once a year. This helps remove any lint buildup or debris that may be trapped in the system, which can cause a fire hazard. To clean the ventilation system, unplug the dryer and disconnect the ventilation hose. Use a brush or a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to remove any lint or debris from the hose and the vent.
  3. Exterior The exterior of the dryer should be cleaned once a month. Use a damp cloth to wipe the exterior surfaces, paying special attention to the buttons and the door. For stubborn stains, use a mixture of baking soda and water.


E. Ovens

Ovens are an essential appliance in every kitchen, and they need to be cleaned regularly to prevent buildup and ensure efficient cooking. Here are some cleaning tips for ovens:

  1. Interior The interior of the oven should be cleaned after every use. Use a damp cloth or sponge to wipe away any spills or debris. For tough stains or buildup, use a mixture of baking soda and water or a commercial oven cleaner. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning products.
  2. Racks The racks of the oven should be cleaned once a month. Remove the racks from the oven and soak them in hot, soapy water. Use a soft-bristled brush or a sponge to remove any debris or buildup. Rinse the racks thoroughly and let them dry before placing them back in the oven.
  3. Exterior The exterior of the oven should be cleaned once a month. Use a damp cloth to wipe the exterior surfaces, paying special attention to the buttons and the handle. For stubborn stains, use a mixture of baking soda and water.



Properly cleaning and maintaining your appliances can save you from costly repairs, prolong their lifespan, and ensure their optimal performance. By following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can keep your appliances running smoothly for years to come.

However, sometimes appliances break down despite our best efforts. When that happens, you need a reliable and experienced appliance repair company to fix the problem. That’s where Profixit comes in.

Profixit is a leading appliance repair company in Winnipeg, specializing in repairing all kinds of appliances, including refrigerators, dishwashers, washing machines, dryers, ovens, and more. Their team of skilled technicians has years of experience and training to diagnose and fix any appliance problem efficiently and effectively.

At Profixit, they understand that appliance breakdowns can happen at any time, which is why they offer same-day and emergency repair services to ensure your appliances are up and running as soon as possible.

If you’re in Winnipeg and need appliance repair services, contact Profixit today. Their friendly and knowledgeable staff will be happy to assist you with all your appliance repair needs.

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